«Metropolitan institute of translators»
Non-profit educational institution of higher professional education «Metropolitan institute of translators» is a modern, dynamically developing institute. It was established in 1999 and gained popularity among higher education colleges of Moscow.
The institute works in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation «On education», the Civil Code «On higher and post-graduate professional education», other federal laws and right acts of the president of the Russian Federation.
The institute was registered in the Federal Department of Education and Science under №1755 on July 17, 2009 and license AA№001768 on June 25, 2009.
Our institute was established under demands of the time. The cultural and economical relationships between Russia and other countries increased, interest to forein languages and traditions of other countries raised, importance of humanitarian arts in social and cultural life grew up. All of this caused acute need in highly qualified specialists in linguistic and international communications.
The educational conception of Metropolitan institute of translators follows this need and it prepares specialists in following areas:
-031100.62 Linguistics (Bachelor of Linguistics)
-031201.65 Theory and methods of foreign languages and culture teaching (linguist, teacher)
-031202.65 Translation (linguist, translator)
The aim of the Metropolitan institute of translators is to satisfy all the needs of the society and every citizen in higher and extra education.
Main tasks of the Metropolitan institute of translators are:
- preparing of specialists in foreign languages
- preparing and training of specialists in these areas and also extra education
- training of specialists by conducting seminars, courses and trainings.
Our institute offers wide areas of education. First of all an opportunity to graduate in mentioned fields and educational forms: full- or part time.
Timetable: morning, evening or in the weekend.
The program of the second education allows getting a second linguistic profession.
Languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian. Learning of Arabic and Hebrew is also planned. The compulsory learning of the second foreign language starts at the second course.
The education program operates under a license issued by the RF Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.
Learning of foreign language in our institute is based on the practical use of language. The most creative complicated types of activities – writing and oral communication.
Much attention is paid to recreation. Our students visit theatres where they watch Russian and foreign plays.